Our Instructors

Discover the Odyssey Fitness Center Difference: Group Fitness Unleashed!

Are you tired of slogging through solo workouts that lack motivation? It’s time to embrace the incredible benefits of group fitness at Odyssey Fitness Center. Our world-class facility offers an array of group fitness classes designed to transform your fitness journey in ways you never imagined.

  1. Unparalleled Motivation: In our group fitness classes, you’ll find the inspiration and encouragement you need to push your limits. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals striving for the same goals is a recipe for success. Our passionate instructors will motivate you every step of the way.
  2. Diverse Class Selection: Odyssey Fitness Center proudly offers a diverse range of classes to cater to all fitness levels and interests. From Aqua to Zumba and everything in between, you’ll find the perfect fit for your goals and preferences.
  3. Expert Guidance: Our certified instructors are experts in their respective fields. They’ll ensure you perform exercises with the correct form, reducing the risk of injury while maximizing results.
  4. Social Connection: Group fitness is more than just exercise; it’s an opportunity to build lasting friendships. Experience the sense of community that develops as you sweat, laugh, and achieve your fitness goals together.
  5. Consistency is Key: Group classes provide structure to your fitness routine. Having a set schedule of classes ensures you stay consistent with your workouts, helping you achieve your goals faster.
  6. Fun Factor: Say goodbye to the monotony of solo workouts. Our classes are designed to be fun and engaging, making fitness a joy, not a chore.

Join Odyssey Fitness Center today and unlock the benefits of group fitness. Whether you’re a seasoned fitness enthusiast or just starting your wellness journey, our group classes will help you achieve your goals while having a blast. Come experience the difference and embark on a path to a healthier, happier you. Your fitness adventure begins here!

Meet the Team

Dave Sladin

Brian Babonis

Elizabeth Dunsavage

Valerie Herron

Ed Kaminski

Joan Kaminski

Kimberly Mackachinas

Adamari Ponce

Rita Skechus

Marion Skomsky

Alyssa Thomas

Antoinette Wingert

Shaneen Lopez Lewis